Hiro & Liling is inspired by Japanese folklore, this original love story by Kristina Armetta unfolds as an old man teaches his grandchild the legend of an ancient rock formation. In Armetta’s simple, lyrical language the grandfather traces the relationship between a war-hardened Japanese General and a young Chinese girl orphaned by his troops. At once poignant and hopeful, potent and reflective, the piece represents some of the best work to come out of WRW’s 2004 Writers On-the-air Workshop.
Willamette Radio Cast and Credits
Chris Porter, Janet Penner, Genevieve Winters, David Loftus, Atticus Welles Mowry and Sam A. Mowry.
Little One / Old Lady Nara – Laura Faye Smith
Written by Kristina Armetta
Original Music by Peter Armetta
Recorded by Robert Kowal
The Writers on the Air Workshop is directed by Cynthia McGean
Produced and directed by Sam A. Mowry
Special Thanks: KBOO, broadcast at 90.7 on your FM dial and is simulcast over the World Wide Web at http://www.kboo.fm/index.php.