War of the Worlds — WRW Style!

War of the Worlds, re-imagined by the Willamette Radio WorkshopThe 2009 McMenamins UFO Festival will feature a live radio presentation by the Award winning Willamette Radio Workshop of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds. One performance only will be in Mattie’s Room at the Hotel Oregon, 2 p.m. Saturday May 16th, 2009.

The War of the Worlds is regarded as the classic radio drama. The Willamette Radio Workshop has performed this timeless tale on numerous occasions. We have always presented it in the classic Old Time Radio style (OTR), with live sound effects and music. This year we give it the WRW treatment. Creating a blend of the best of the old and new. Our matchless Foley team of David Ian and Martin John Gallagher joins forces with Marc Rose of Dry Smoke and Whispers fame, to create a unique production, true to the original, but original in its own right.

Following in the path of our award winning adaptation of Archibald Macleish’s Fall of the City, join us for a glimpse into radio’s past and future. See what panicked America, launched the career of Orson Welles and proved the devastating power of mass media to an unsuspecting world.

The cast includes Chris Porter, Bryan Mackey, James Lawrence, Todd Tolces and Matthew Richards. Our stage manager is Autumn Lawrence and live sound is by Lori Day-Reynolds.

Original music and sound design by Marc Rose.

Live Foley by David Ian and Martin John Gallagher.

Crowd direction by Martin John Gallagher.

Special thanks to Pat Janowski.

The production is produced, directed and features Sam A. Mowry.

Looking Now for Halloween Scripts!

St James Infirmary Halloween SpecialCindy McGean, WRW’s Dramaturge, writes:

Willamette Radio Workshop is looking for original scripts for the 2009 Halloween show which will be the same format as our MURDER OF CROWS program from some years back. The show will be 2 one hour programs made up of about 8 original scripts all in some way inspired by the blues/jazz classic “St. James Infirmary Blues.” No script should be longer than 15 minutes, but short takes are fine. I am sending along a link to some information about the song and some great examples of the myriad different versions of it (see below). WRW is looking for pieces that are scary, suspenseful, eerie, haunting or otherwise Halloween appropriate. ER meets the X-Files meets EC Comics is how Sam sees the format. We would like first-draft scripts submitted by June 30, 2009. This will allow time for readings and rewrites.

This summer, in place of the summer Writers On-the-air Workshop, WRW will be organizing readings of the scripts submitted for this project. Director Sam A. Mowry will choose from those scripts for the live performances in October.

If you are thinking of submitting a piece, send a short description of your idea to Sam (SAMowry@aol.com) or me (cjmcgean@aol.com) so we have a feel for the ideas folks are working on and can prevent overlap (e.g. multiple zombie scripts). Cindy is also available on a limited basis now and more fully come June to work with any writers who’d like support.

We’re looking forward to the rich and varied stories that we know will spring forth from your imaginations for this project! Here’s the link I mentioned earlier: Honey, Where You Been So Long?

There and Back Again — The Hobbit Returns!

Come join the Willamette Radio Workshop as we make another journey to Middle-earth with “The Hobbit’s Greatest Hits,” our one-of-a-kind adaptation of the J.R.R. Tolkien classic. The performance is set for 2pm Saturday, January 17, at the McMenamins Kennedy School, part of the annual J.R.R. Tolkien Birthday Celebration. The performance is absolutely free, but remember: when you come to Middle-earth, you too may be called into service!

Halloween 2008 — From the Case Files of Dr. Moreau!

The Island of Dr. Moreau presented for Halloween at McMenamins Kennedy School by the award winning Willamette Radio Workshop. 2 performances at 5 pm and 6:30 pm. Admission is free, all ages welcome, children must have an accompanying adult. Food and beverages available. The show will be performed in the Gymnasium. The Kennedy School is located at:

5736 N.E. 33rd Ave, Portland, OR 97211  (Click here for map/directions!)

This Halloween WRW tackles the classic novel of terror and imagination, The Island of Dr. Moreau by H.G. Wells. We are lucky to have the illustrious and talented William S. Gregory to adapt this classic novel for us. As with his past work with us, Mr. Gregory brings a spin to the classics of the past, his Ogle Award winning version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a case in point. Mr. Gregory re-imagines this classic story of science and biology and the limits of both. This story, From the Case Files of Dr. Moreau , uses the point of view of the manimals (as we like to call them) as opposed to the usual human point of view. The questions of freedom, nature, man’s rights and animal rights all come into play. The genius of Dr. Moreau takes on new depths and the story of his children, created by his own hand, follows new leads with classic results.

WRW has once again collected an amazing group of artists to help bring the jungles of Moreau’s island and the horrors of his laboratory to life. Sound designers with out peer, Martin John Gallagher, David Ian and Marc Rose (winners of s\a shelf full of national and local awards) are taking care of music, sound design and Foley that will fill your imaginations. The cast includes Mark Homayoun, Cindy McGean, Megan Murphy, Scott Jameison and Sam A. Mowry, who also produces and directs.

You can buy original audio drama at the show from WRW members Jamie Lawson (web mistress) and Joe Medina (Associate Producer). There will also be work from Afterhell, an audio horror series and the long running epic story of Emil Song, Psychic Detective from Dry Smoke and Whispers.

Writers On-the-air Workshop 2008 Announcement

Writers On-the-air Workshop 2008: Building Character

Willamette Radio Workshop announces its 5th annual Writers On-the-air Workshop (WOW) starting July 15 and meeting every Tuesday evening(7-9 pm) through August 12. Writer and educator Cynthia J. McGean, recently returned from presenting a series of writing workshops at the National Audio Theatre Festival, will lead writers in a collaborative, peer-driven process using the audio theater medium to explore their craft. This year’s focus will be on developing strong characters. Participants will meet for 2 hours every week to examine how audio theater changes and informs the writer’s process for developing characters and conveying character traits to actors and the audience. Willamette Radio Workshop will select scripts developed during WOW 2008 for readings and future productions. Previous WOW scripts have received multiple national awards, been produced and aired around the country and evolved into stage productions as well. WOW is offered at no charge to anyone committed to the process and interested in exploring writing through the audio medium.

The Willamette Radio Workshop is a professional theatrical organization based in Portland, Oregon, and dedicated to the creation of original material for radio, internet, compact disks and other audio venues. We produce our shows both in studio and at live performances. We seek to acknowledge the influence and preserve the history of radio theater as we work to create its present. To this end, our work also includes re-creations or re-imaginings of classic radio programs. WRW is the proud recipient of four Ogle Awards, two Mark Time Awards and a Crystal Communicator Award for excellence in the audio medium. For more information, check out our website at www.radiowork.com.

For more information or an application, please contact WOW Director Cindy McGean at�cjmcgean@aol.com.

Halloween 2007

This year’s HALLOWEEN SHOW focuses on two classics of both the horror genre and Old Time Radio. The Monkey’s Paw by W.W. Jacobs is a story we have either read or heard or saw in some form or another. The story is the perfect “Be careful what you wish for” type of tale. It has a story book feel but still carries a modern urban vibe at the same time. Our version is adapted by Written by W. W Jacobs for the long running Canadian Broadcast series Nightfall. An old family friend returns from the war carrying a wizened relic from another time. A monkey’s paw with magic powers from the Far East. The story sounds too strange to be real, but the lure of three wishes has held the imagination of mankind for as long as they have looked into a night sky searching for the answers to all life’s mysteries. The Monkey’s Paw is a perfect tale for audio theater. The images you create, the paw itself and what is on the other side of the door will leave you breathless.

Our second show needs no introduction, The Pit and the Pendulum by Edgar Alan Poe. The master of horror, the inventor of the modern detective novel, the poet of pain and sorrow without peer. This is another tale that lives so well in the imagination that you would think Poe was writing for radio scores of years before it was dreamt of. The Spanish Inquisition, scorching a path across Spain puts one of Bonaparte’s Captains on trail. His destruction of a church serving as an ammo dump leads the Grand Inquisitor to sentence him to a death so unimaginable, that the auto de fait seems like a charitable end.
Dramatized by John Dixon Carr (an amazing writer) for one of the greatest radio programs of all time, Suspense. The show delves into the mind of a man pushed to the brink of madness and beyond, tortured by rats, fire, starvation and of course The Pit and the Pendulum.

Come see these 2 mighty tales, together for one night and one night only. Halloween at McMenamin’s Kennedy School 5736 N.E. 33rd Ave. Portland, OR, October 31st at 5:00 and 6:30 pm. FREE and open to ALL AGES (kids must have an adult with them). Free treats for the kids from 4:30 pm until 7 pm. The subject matter might be too intense for younger listeners. Use your discretion.

The cast and crew includes: Marty Gallagher, David Ian, Marc Rose, Jan MacDonald, Autumn Lawrence, Linda Goertz, Mark Homayoun, Toni Lima, Curt Hanson and Sam A. Mowry.

The award winning Willamette Radio Workshop has been creating live and studio productions for over 7 years. We have been broadcast on stations around the world and perform live through out the McMenamin’s Empire. Find out more about us at

Special thanks to Cindy McGean, Atticus Welles Mowry, Robert Kowal, Mary Kowal, Claudine Hemmingway and Liz.

2007 UFO Festival Is Upon Us!

The good folks at McMenamins who have invited us to once again fly the solar winds with a Sci-Fi double header for the 8th Annual UFO Festival.

This year we will present 2 shows (and no doubt some surprises) first off, Hurf the Extra Dimensional Assassin by Craig Kenworthy and then Zero Hour by the legendary Ray Bradbury. Hurf is a part of the Writer’s On the Air Workshop and sponsored in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council.
Hurf is the tale of 2 slackers who accidentally summon a death dealing demon from another dimension while playing a game of Scrabble. The story is both funny and thought provoking as the characters juggle the moral consequences of when is it O.K. to kill.

Zero Hour is a classic invasion story. Originally aired on” Suspense,” this is a story about a little girl and her friend “Drill”: who lives under the rose bush. They are both very excited about the new game they are playing… Zero Hour. Kids don’t only say the darndest things. A wonderful adventure from the pen of Ray Bradbury, the dean of Science Fiction.

I hope you can join us in our new location in the Hotel Oregon in Mattie’s Room. It will be fun.

Here is the press release from the good folks at Mcmenamins.

Friday, May 18 & Saturday, May 19, 2007
McMinnville, OR

A celebration like no other – beams down to Hotel Oregon this May. Our 8th Annual UFO Festival welcomes believers, skeptics, noted experts and everyone in between for a weekend of fun, enlightenment and entertainment.

This year, we are pleased to host Dr. David Jacobs as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Jacobs is the director of the International Center for Abduction Research (ICAR), associate professor of history at Temple University in Philadelphia and UFO researcher for nearly 40 years. He will discuss how the science of ufology has changed in the sixty years since the infamous 1947 Roswell incident in New Mexico. Guest speakers Peter Robbins, UFO researcher and best-selling author, and Peter Davenport, director of the National UFO Reporting Center, will round out the Panel Q&A on Saturday morning.

Check out all the other fun stuff happening throughout the weekend – an outdoor festival tent and McMenamins gift shop, live music from Portland bluegrass ensemble Jackstraw, a truly outlandish alien costume parade that careens down Third Street, an alien pet costume contest so Spot and Fluffy aren’t left out, a live performance by Willamette Radio Workshop and more! To cap off the weekend, attend our Alien Costume Ball for live rock ‘n’ roll by Big Mama Gayle and a chance to win prizes for the most comical or well-done outfit. Reservations at Hotel Oregon are SOLD OUT – but please refer to the McMinnville Downtown Association or the Chamber of Commerce for alternate local lodging.

Visit the UFO Festival schedule of events for complete listings.

Want to know more about the 1950 Trent sighting that started the UFO interest in McMinnville? Read a special section from a McMenamins Historic Hotel newsletter (PDF format).

If you’d like email updates about our 2007 event, join our UFO Festival Mailing List.

We Made the Funnies!

Mike Russell writes and draws one of the best columns in the Oregonian newspaper, Culture Pulp. It is a comic and man on the street style column that chronicles the arts and events in Portland that make us one of the most livable cities. Well Mike ran into us at McMenamins Kennedy School doing our annual Hobbit reading and we made the cut and so, the funny papers. This fulfills a life long dream of mine and several other members of the Workshop. Mike was kind enough to let us post a portion of it on our site, but do check out his site and find his cartoons as well as excellent movie reviews (We are number 57). There is a wonderful Pan’s Labyrinth piece, not to be missed, that is both. Thanks Mike and see you next year!

Writers On-the-air Workshop 2006

This July, WRW’s Writers On-the-Air Workshop (WOW), returns for its third year developing and showcasing new, original works for audio theater by writers from around the country. Funded in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council, this year’s WOW focuses on “Voice and Viewpoint.”

WOW participants meet two to three times a week to discuss and revise their scripts through a peer-driven, collaborative process led by WRW dramaturge and published playwright Cynthia McGean. The three-week workshop begins Saturday, July 8, with an introduction for those new to audio theater, and culminates July 29th in recorded readings of the scripts with actors chosen by WRW Director Sam A. Mowry.

Three pieces from WOW will be selected for full production and broadcast. WOW is free and open to those interested in exploring their writing craft through the medium of audio theater. For an application, contact Cynthia McGean at cjmcgean@aol.com.

Past WOW productions include Gold Ogle Award Winner Next Year’s Girl, by Heather Breeden and National Audio Theatre Festival Grand Prize Winner Pandora’s Box, by Cynthia McGean. WRW is proud to present WOW productions on local radio station KBOO, as well as community radio stations around the country.

Four Hours From Omaha

Four Hours from Omaha
by Craig Kenworthy

The Willamette Radio Workshop’s production of Four Hours From Omaha by Craig Kenworthy is a play developed by the Writers on the Air Workshop, Cynthia J. McGean Director. We were happy to have our initial broadcast of Stage and Studio on KBOO 90.7 FM April 18th, 2006. Craig Kenworthy is a writer who resides in Montana. His works have been seen and heard in many venues across the country. The script has gone through a couple of reading and re-write sessions to get to today’s finished product. We were actually lucky enough to have Craig visit us at WRW’s studio for the final reading before we went into the studio. WRW is always happy to work with writers on both adaptaions and original projects, but there is always a special spark when we help usher a new work into the world, especially one as fine as Four Hours From Omaha.

The production was directed by Sam A. Mowry and starred Kate Hawkes, Brian Bartley, Carole Dane, Jane Bennett and Cindy McGean. Original music was composed by Martin John Gallagher. This is the first in a series of new works sponsored in part by the Regional Arts and Culture Council of Oregon. Our special thanks to Dmae Roberts and Stage & Studio for premiering this work.